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Assessing The UK’s Education And Skills: What’s Behind The NEET Numbers?

Overview: Let’s face it! The UK’s educational system is one of the best. When it comes to skills and development,

New Research Paves Way For Artificial Intelligence In Education

Artificial Intelligence is not just limited to innovative TV or flying cars.  But then it has kept in our daily

Ramadan In UK 2024: When And How To Celebrate

Ramadan is a holy and sacred month in Islam. This is about fasting for a whole day and a month

9 Ways To Support Students During Ramadan

Introduction: Ramadan is a joyous period in Islam that emphasizes unity and community. Muslim students, on the other hand, may

Why Are Cyber Attacks Increasing Against Higher Education In The UK?

Introduction: We live in a digital era where technology has become the biggest asset in higher education. But, with that,

Why UK Education Needs Both Apprenticeships And Traditional Degrees?

Introduction: Higher apprenticeships are practical-based learning programs that combine on-the-job training with academic study.  They are available in plenty of

Top Research Topic Ideas For Nursing Students In 2024

Before you finish your degree in nursing you will have to do a nursing writing project that specifically demonstrates your

What Is Hologram ‘Avatars’ And Why UK Universities Are Using It?

Over the past few years, you can see how much innovation and technology have changed the world’s outlook. Furthermore, AI

What Is The Holocaust Education Program UK?

The Holocaust Memorial Programme in the UK is a powerful reminder of a very sad time in history. Its main

Major Blow To U.K. Universities: The Decline Of International Students

Introduction: A few years ago, The Great Resignation was the talk of the town, with predictions of a huge exodus


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