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Leadership And Decision Making In Nursing – Sample Paper

Leadership And Decision Making In Nursing – Sample Paper

Well, if you are here to find a sample paper for your course on leadership and decision-making in nursing. Then, congratulations, you just landed on the right page.

I know enrolling in nursing is one of the most important decisions of your life. And it’s turning out to be hectic for you. And now with exams on your head. Things are getting out of hand. But not to worry, I got you.

You know leadership and decision-making in nursing is one of the most crucial courses of your nursing qualification. Not just because it is linked with your grades, but these are the two most important skills that a qualified nurse must have. So, let us take a deep dive into this course. And not to worry, I got a sample paper for you too. That will help you make this journey a little easier for you.

Importance Of This Course To Keep You Motivated:

I know studying for your exams is important to pass them. But you need some motivation too to study for your exams right?

Therefore, before pushing yourself off your limits and asking you to study hard using this sample paper, I will tell you a few important points about this course. That will hopefully keep you motivated to study hard for this essential nursing course.

  • By studying hard for your exams, you are paving your way towards good grades to pass your academics.
  • Decision-making is an important part of nursing. As a nurse, you will be making key decisions daily.
  • You must learn to become a good decision-maker as someone’s life depends on it.
  • As a nurse, sometimes you have to make even the hardest decisions at the peak times to ensure the safety of your patients.
  • Leadership skills will help you secure a good position as a nurse and ensure a brighter future.

Thus, this course is essential for all nurses out there. So, if you want to be a successful nurse. Then, make sure that you are not just learning this for your grades. But practice these skills by heart to be called a good nurse.

Also, there are various professional Nursing Assignment Helpers UK that can help you out.

Sample Paper Of Leadership & Decision-Making In Nursing:

Well, I am sure that you have the energy to study for your exams now. I hope that these points are enough to keep you motivated. And work towards your brighter future.

So, now it is time to start preparing for your exam. And Tada, I got your sample paper for leadership and decision-making in nursing course. Not just I will give you the sample. But will help you solve it too.

Components Of Paper:

The paper for this course can comprise various parts. Or it can be a single scenario-based questioning. It all depends on your professors.

Well, it might include:

  1. Multiple Choice Questions
  2. Short Questions
  3. Long Questions
  4. Case Studies or
  5. Scenario Based Questioning

Those are some of the most common types of questions that you can expect in your paper. And most of them are simple. You need to be familiar with the key concepts and theories to pass the first three types.

But the actual challenge, where students get stuck is to answer the case studies or scenario-based questions. Well, these two are somewhat alike.  You have to assess your scenario completely to answer these questions using your critical thinking skills.

Approach To Solve:

Well, now let us focus our attention on solving the most complicated scenario-based questions. Here is the most common method to approach them in the right manner.

  • Carefully read all of your questions.
  • Discuss
  • Apply the most relevant leadership theory
  • Evaluate
  • Reflect And
  • Conclude

This is how you are going to solve it. So, let us evaluate a sample question of such type for you. And if you still have some issues, you can reach out to Nursing Assignment Help for assistance.

Sample Question:

In the elderly ward of ABCHospitall, an outbreak of Diarrhoea was observed by a nurse. The lead nurse at that time delegated tasks to the team to send samples to a lab for stool tests and escalated this issue to the infection control team. Also, he/she closed the ward for some time after consultation with the staff.

Various infection control measures were adopted that include limitations of visitors. So, such efforts ensure proper containment of the infection and speedy recovery of their patients. Evaluate this whole scenario and give your remarks.


Now, here you are going to discuss everything that comes to your point while reading the whole scenario. The best way to write it is to keep noting down your points while reading the scenario. It will help you in brainstorming the key points.

So, write down your key points here and discuss the scenario.

Leadership Theory:

It is now time to assess which leadership style was used here. Was that good or some other style might be a good option?

You can just write down your observations about the leadership here.


Once you are done discussing your key points. And identifying the leadership styles here. It is now time to evaluate it.

You can give points like the leadership style surely managed the whole situation. However, identifying the cause of the infection might have enhanced the outcomes too.


Now, you are going to reflect on this whole situation here. The discussion and evaluation are done. Now it is time to highlight the importance of clear communication and quick decision-making here. Not just this but the whole collaborative effort of the team is worth appreciation.


Finally, you are required to conclude everything here. Try to summarize all of it in a few lines. And end your exam.

I know that feels so good. So, that is it. Thus, just keep these points in your mind. And I am sure that you will do it.

Final Words:

In a nutshell, leadership and decision-making in nursing is an important course in your qualification. It is not just important for your grades. But it is an important skill that you all must have as a nurse. Well, surely the paper for this course is quite complicated. And nursing students are really worried about their exams. But now I am sure that everything will fit in place for you as this blog provides a sample paper to teach you how you can solve even the most challenging papers without any problems.

So, go through this paper thoroughly and keep yourself motivated. And I am sure that you will ace your exams and outshine all others. Best of Luck!

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