Nursing Assignment Examples

Nursing Assignment Examples

Nursing assignments are an essential component of the nursing curricula to enhance students’ understanding of concepts, analysis, and actual practices. These assignments can range from being grouped into categories, which all have their guidelines and goals to fulfill.

1. Case Studies


Sandbox cases are real or hypothetical patient stories and are typically described more elaborately compared to case reports.



A male patient of 65 years suffering from hypertension and diabetes complains of chest pain and difficulty in breathing.


Assessment: Take all the necessary investigations and routine procedures like alumni, general health questions, body organ assessments, and more.

Diagnosis: Attempt to diagnose the type of sickness from the symptoms displayed by the patient and the tests carried out.

Plan: Design an individualized care plan that will focus on immediate interventions to be made during the first days of onset of the illness and in the subsequent years.

Evaluation: Describe the signs of patient improvement you will use, specifying how you will modify interventions depending on patient outcomes.

2. Reflective Essays


Clinical practicum placements effectively taught students about real-life nursing experiences and outcomes, making reflective essays beneficial. Such assignments can involve relating one’s events with the views of a particular theory or philosophical system.


Discuss a situation that you faced, that was psychosocially challenging during clinical practice.


Description: Give a detailed account of the sequence of events: what patient encounter you are discussing, what you did, and what happened.

Feelings: Debrief on your state and any emotions during and after the interaction with the childhood friend.

Evaluation: When you have completed the implementation of a concept, rate the things that turned out well and the areas that could have been done better.

Analysis: Relate it to the theories and concepts learned in the course of the study. You should explain what you have learned in terms of content and knowledge and how this learning would shape your practice in the future.

Action Plan: Besides, state-specific actions you will undertake with an intention to enhance your practice as informed by this reflection.


Do not lie to yourself about any experiences or feelings that pass through a person.

For instance, it is recommended to choose an approach to completing the essay which is based on reflection and one of the most popular tools is the Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle.

What can help you back up these reflections?

3. Research Papers


Nursing research papers entail the identification of a particular nursing topic of interest, which the student will conduct research to obtain an understanding of, synthesize research findings, and present in a systematic manner. This particular type of assignment is useful in building research skills and enhancing the students’ knowledge about evidence-based clinical practice.


A review of the impact of hand hygiene standards and compliance on reducing healthcare-related acquired infections.


Introduction: Provide a discussion of what the topic is and why knowledge about it is relevant to nursing practice.

Literature Review: Sharpen an overview of prior literature about hand hygiene behaviors.

Methods: Explain the various approaches that you adopted in collecting information for the study.

Results: These are the links to the articles where the details of the research are presented:

Discussion: It is essential to interpret the results, and identify how the findings could be applied to current nursing practice, as well as to define what more information can be needed.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the key points that would help in avoiding HAIs have been highlighted from the REA.D. Furthermore, hand hygiene has also been seen as the most essential factor in avoiding the occurrence of HAIs.


Pick an engaging and contemporary theme that would resonate with you.

To minimize the problem, try to use only reliable and up-to-date materials.

To define the overall structure of the paper, always adhere to the heading and subheading format.

4. Care Plans


They are crucial in formulating and anticipating customized approaches to patient care.


A 45-year-old female candidate with a new RA diagnosis during a routine medical check-up.


Assessment: Acquire full details on the patient’s clinical background, presenting complaint, and other relevant information.

Nursing Diagnosis: Prioritize nursing diagnoses that should be associated with this case.

Goals: Develop patient care goals that must meet the SMART goals criteria such as Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timeframe.

Interventions: Explain which of the care objectives could be implemented with the specific use of nursing interventions.

Evaluation: Describe how you will determine whether the chosen care plan is effective and make modifications as needed.


Standardized terms and nomenclature when documenting care activities: terminology and classification systems include NANDA-I diagnoses.

A good plan has to cater to the body, heart, and soul, just as the human body entails.

Modify and evaluate the care plan chronologically and systematically according to the patient’s progress.

5. Health Promotion Projects


These are projects in which techniques to enhance health and/or decrease disease occurrence in organized communities or segments of the population are established and used. Such assignments focus on health in the broad sense and the practice of preventive measures.


Describe an appropriate prevention and control program that can help a targeted population group at a high risk of developing new cases of T2DM.


Needs Assessment: Assess the need that may be likely to lead to the emergence of health problems within the given community and the potential risks associated with those health problems.

Goals: The health promotion program should have well-defined objectives to be achieved to succeed.

Strategies: Discussion of such goals can be accompanied by action planning and planning, for example, the organization of educational workshops, screening programs, and lifestyle interventions.

Implementation Plan: Develop an outline of how the program will be implemented – with resources, an estimated time frame, and an estimated number of personnel involved in the program.

Evaluation: Identify measures for assessing the program’s impact and organizational readiness for the program’s continuation in the future.


Consult with community members as well as stakeholders to meet every one of their needs as concerns the program.

Proper utilization of limited resources and their effectiveness are promoted through the practical usage of best practices and principles used in health promotion. In case of any confusion or difficulty Nursing Assignment Writers UK is here to the rescue.

Consequently, some questions should be answered in the process of the program development: * How the identity of culture, social, and economic status of the learners may influence the program’s effectiveness?


Nursing assignments are varied and are aimed at developing a range of proficiencies that a nurse is expected to possess. Regardless of whether a student is writing a case study, a reflective essay, an academic research paper, a care plan, or a health promotion project, skills and knowledge within the course are cultivated uniquely.

Fearlessness, an orderly approach, a combination of academic knowledge with its application, and adherence to academic writing standards are effective in completing these assignments. Every one of these kinds of tasks helps develop the critical thinking, clinical judgment, and competencies level of nursing students thus preparing them to face different roles and responsibilities in the complex field of nursing.


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